Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Alice Liddell
Alice Liddell as a beggar child - photograph taken by Lewis Carroll, 1858.

Here some links to different things that inspires the video I have in mind. I want to try and vision what it feels like to be in Alice's position once she fell in the hole. Fully immersing the viewer into an imaginative state.

1 comment:

  1. Great research. I think it's nice you're starting with focus on something specific like the rabbit hole — and how this comes through in your inspiration. The stark black & white, modern, kinetic visuals feel pretty unique (definitely a departure from the expected saturated psychedelic colors typically tied to Alice). The Op Art aesthetic in the symphony experience is pretty unique and interesting. Seeing how they handle the motion on the dome part of the theatre could help inform how you work with your own dome experience. Keep gathering inspiration, would be helpful to see on a single board. Also would be curious to see how you will either create your own content or curate some sort of motion collage like you discussed in class. Just make sure (either way) to make it your own some how.

    Here are some links that might help:
