Monday, September 22, 2014


  1. I really like the flow of this, I do think it moves a little too quickly. Something more needs to be happening for the transitions, to continue the poem like a sentence, maybe a dripping or a flow into another screen? Overall, really awesome and I can't wait to see the whole thing

  2. the only thing i can think of would be maybe having the text that overlays the white background white with a lower opacity. the black seems a bit harsh for the background but that may work with your concept. the direction you are going in is intriguing and works well. i haven't seen your print piece but i'm sure they all fit together. another thing that i picked up on was that the spacing between your words in "an ink spot" seem a little more spaced out than the rest of the lines. can't wait to see the final video!

  3. this is coming along real well man. i think that the transitions between type are clean and feel like the shape of type really reflects water. Plus the change from white to black is reallll nice.

  4. I think your animation is very aesthetically pleasing. The sounds are timed well with the movements and it really enhances the viewing experience. I'm wondering if there might be a gap between your concept in the printed version and the digital version. That may not be a big issue, just something I noticed. Keeping in mind that this is just a rough and you may be adding more type later, the amount of words you're showing at a time stays at about 2-3, it would be nice for a break from that possibly showing more type on the screen at the same time. This would also give you a chance to have variety in duration before the next transition. Overall very nice and I love the moment when it changes to white on black, perfect words for that moment.

  5. Your transitions from the motion of water is coming together really good, I also like that the only sound is the dripping noise. Good work!
