Wednesday, April 15, 2015

These interaction were recorded by having the tester look at each individual screen. I typed their interaction at each stage and at the end asked for feedback.
First Interaction
  1. swipe up
  2. basics
  3. read clue
    1. slide in and out
  4. clicking badminton 
  5. Image comes form top down
  6. confusion on how tie the tabs
screen 3 & 4 clarification 
transition of screens 5 & 6
relationship of clue and map
Second Interaction
  1. first screen landing 
    1. swipe right
  2. looking for prompt
    1. make buttons look like buttons
      1. box + solution 
  3. read clue
    1. not sure where to go next
    2. discovered pull-out
      1. from next screen
    3. swipe clue away
  4. map and walk around trying to find 
    1. compass as marker?
    2. arrow or character
    3. fixed compass
    4. question function of compass
    5. use riddle to solve
  5. question what happens when finding sculpture
  6. not a clue anymore?
clarification from interaction 3-6
associate tab with clue now
Third Interaction
  1. taking in visuals
    1. levels in art
    2. figure ground relationships 
    3. swipe left
  2. thinks buttons are clickable
  3. clue pops out
    1. swipe left
    2. looks like tabs
    3. swipe don't reveal 
  4. map go to the map
  5. further you get the image reveals
    1. pop down 
  6. question pull or swipe tab
obvious interaction
do some minor cleanups 

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